Parking lot safety and security supplies can help property owners keep their parking lots safe, thus saving money, preventing property damage, and avoiding liability.
Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc. provides parking lot safety equipment and security supplies to ensure the highest standard of safety on your property. With our safety and security solutions, property owners do not have to worry about property damage, costly repair, or unsafe conditions.
Having a parking lot can be important for businesses, commercial buildings, public institutions (e.g. schools, government buildings, etc.), and many other types of properties. However, with a parking lot, it becomes essential to ensure safety and security on the space.
Without the proper safety measures in place, property owners can end up sustaining damage to their property or being liable for accidents that occur. Lack of security can encourage crime on the property, leading to unsafe conditions. Using the right solutions, property owners can avoid these problems on their lots.
Parking lots are a common spot for crimes, ranging from car break-ins to muggings and assault. During nighttime, with low lighting conditions and little traffic, parking lots can be the perfect spot for criminals. It is important for property owners to take action to prevent crime on their properties and ensure safety for their guests and avoid liability.
There are a variety of security solutions that can benefit parking lots. Camera surveillance and adequate nighttime lighting can help minimize the chances of crime. Parking lots should be free of blind spots, enclosed spaces, obstructed views, and secluded areas. By maximizing visibility on their lot, property owners can make the space safer for occupants. Working with a professional pavement company can help find the right solution to keep parking lots safe and secure.
Safety barriers allow property owners to control the flow of traffic on their parking lots. These barriers can be used to prevent speeding, collisions, and accidents. Safety barriers can control vehicle traffic entering and exiting the property, as well as help manage the flow of heavy traffic. Plus, for paid or commercial parking lots, barriers can keep out unwanted traffic. When paired with a live attendant or an automated system, safety barriers are an effective way to improve safety on property.
Using parking lot bollards is an easy and cost-effective way to direct traffic, improve safety, and prevent access to certain areas of the parking lot. Bollards block off parts of your parking lot, preventing vehicles from proceeding in certain directions. There are a range of bollards available, from durable concrete to removable bollards. Installing parking lot bollards along a route can prevent collisions, while placing them in front of a building can protect against property damage. Bollards can even be painted for high visibility.
Guard rails can also prevent collisions, block access, direct traffic, and section off parts of the parking lot. Safety guard rails are commonly used on highways and thoroughfares, but they can easily and effectively be installed on parking lots too. Guard rails are a low-key solution, which are less visible than bollards or fencing but can still provide enhanced safety on parking lots and paved roadways.
When cars speed on your property, they can easily cause property damage, accidents, and even injuries and death. As the property owner, you may be liable. You need to take action to reduce speeding on your property, and speed humps are an effective method for reducing collisions, accidents, hits, and property damage. But don’t take our word for it– an Ontario study showed a PMVC (Pedestrian Motor Vehicle Collision) rate reduction of 22% after speed hump installations!
Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc. is the leading pavement company in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). We understand that safety is a top concern with any commercial parking lot or asphalt surface. Parking lot safety supplies are essential to reducing accidents, preventing the need for costly repair, and avoiding liability. We offer a range of parking lot equipment and procedures that can help enhance the safety of your property, from parking lot curbs to safety barriers.
Parking lot maintenance isn’t always enough to prevent damage—property owners also need to prevent accidents, collisions, and other incidents that can cause major and immediate damage. At Sure-Seal, we offer free inspections, assessing your paved surface and providing you with the available options that can help you ensure safety. Contact us today for more information on our parking lot services.