The Importance of Catch Basin Repair in Toronto

catch basin

As silent heroes of our streets, catch basins play a pivotal role in managing water runoff. Given Toronto’s unique climate and sprawling urban infrastructure, catch basin repair and maintenance have never been more crucial. With over 30 years in the pavement industry and over 36,000 successful projects under our belt at Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc., […]

Pavement Solutions for Road and Parking Challenges in the GTA’s Industrial Parks

Industrial Park Pavement

Industrial parks in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) are bustling hubs of activity. They house numerous businesses and see a high volume of traffic daily. This constant activity, coupled with the GTA’s weather conditions, can lead to significant wear and tear on the roads and parking lots.  Enter Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc., a leading commercial […]

Asphalt Pavement: A Wise Investment for Increasing Your Commercial Property Value

Asphalt Pavement

Did you know that commercial asphalt pavement can help to increase the value of your property? Asphalt pavement installation when applied by a reputable paving contractor will enhance the curb appeal of your property, provide a professional atmosphere, and offer a safe and secure area for employees and clientele.  Is Pavement a Good Investment? Yes, […]

Why Is Temperature Monitoring Important in Asphalt Paving?

Asphalt Paving

Asphalt is a durable substance designed to withstand vehicular and foot traffic, corrosion, and extreme weather. When it comes to applying asphalt paving, excessive temperature fluctuations and the weather can greatly affect the state of the material, which is why asphalt temperature monitoring is important. For example, asphalt is mixed at an average temperature of […]

6 Ways Asphalt Crack Sealing Helps Protect the Environment


Asphalt is used to create smooth driving and walking surfaces for businesses and homes as well as to increase the curb appeal of a property. But with constant wear and tear, many asphalt surfaces can begin to crack and deteriorate, increasing the need for repair services. Did you know that commercial and residential property owners […]

Asphalt Sealing and Chip Sealing: Which Is Better?

Asphalt Sealing

Asphalt sealing and chip sealing are two commonly used sealing methods to enhance the “road worthiness” of a surface, such as a road or parking lot. Pavement is a durable product that can become damaged with use and from exposure to environmental factors. Having a seal applied to the surface of the pavement adds a […]

Parking Lot Repair Options: Patch, Resurface, and Replace


Asphalt repair can be a valuable investment for any business. It is necessary for the safety of drivers, pedestrians, and the integrity of existing structures on the property. Such a project can help reduce liability risks, ensure the parking lot is used efficiently, and enhance the aesthetic appeal of the property.  There are various ways […]

Why Potholes Need to be Repaired in Spring

Potholes Repairs

For most people, the first major signs of spring are the warmer temperatures and start to daylight savings time. For commercial property owners, however, the abundance of potholes in their parking lots usually means spring is here.  Potholes in parking lots are more than just an annoyance; they can be a serious safety hazard. They’re […]

Everything You Need to Know about Porous Asphalt

Asphalt Pavement

Porous asphalt allows water to pass through its surface, reducing runoff and significantly reducing the number of pollutants that can enter waterways. It is made up of modified open-graded aggregate combined with highly resistant binder materials in order to create a durable yet permeable pavement surface. This unique composition allows the pavement to hold its […]

A Complete Guide to Commercial Pavement Maintenance Services

Commercial Pavement Maintenance

Commercial pavement maintenance is a safety measure for the protection of staff and clientele. Commercial properties include retail spaces, manufacturing facilities, office buildings, institutional properties, and recreational yards.  The Importance of Maintaining Commercial Pavement All types of paving are designed to withstand the heavy weight of vehicle and foot traffic as well as to handle […]