Everything You Need to Know about Puddles in Parking Lots


Large or small longstanding puddles on your parking lot signify a number of potentially damaging and expensive issues for your asphalt pavement. Most notably, puddle formations can mean that the structural integrity of your asphalt parking lot has been compromised or was poorly constructed from the beginning. Other issues like poor drainage or a damaged […]

Asphalt Pavement Drainage Systems: Why They Matter and How They Improve Pavement Performance


Water and moisture are like public enemy number one for asphalt pavement. A little bit of water exposure isn’t necessarily a problem, but pooling water can cause some major issues for your commercial parking lot. Installing a solid and well-designed water drainage system for your commercial property is paramount to protecting it against the perils […]

Asphalt Pavement Installation: Our 7-Step Process Explained

asphalt paving

Asphalt pavement is one of the most resilient, durable, and commonly used materials for a variety of construction projects. Thanks to its longevity and ability to withstand numerous potentially damaging external elements, asphalt is one of the most popular paving materials for residential and commercial properties worldwide. In fact, asphalt pavement is such a regular […]

6 Sealcoating Facts That Can Benefit Your Asphalt Pavement

asphalt paving

Sealcoating is an inexpensive, simple, and necessary aspect of asphalt pavement maintenance that can help extend the lifespan of your commercial parking lot and save you money in the long run. External damages like harmful UV rays from the sun, as well as inclement weather such as rain, snow, and ice can all damage your […]

How Does Snowy Weather Impact Your Asphalt Pavement?

Snow Removal

Asphalt is one of the most durable and resilient paving materials in the world, but even it can’t completely withstand all of the harsh weather conditions and elements that it’s exposed to during the winter months. Canadian winters are particularly harsh on asphalt pavement with heavy snowfalls, frigid below-freezing temperatures, and massive ice formations. Failing […]

Dos and Don’ts After Completing an Asphalt Paving Project

asphalt paving company

You invest a lot of time and money into keeping your commercial property clean, presentable, and visually appealing for your customers and employees to use and enjoy. Installing and maintaining durable and flexible asphalt pavement is part of your overall property upkeep. A fresh and clean asphalt application can completely revamp the entire aesthetic of […]

How to Prepare Your Asphalt for Winter Weather

asphalt paving

Preparing your asphalt parking lot or commercial driveway for the winter weather is your best bet for ensuring that it’ll maintain its structural integrity and strong maintenance all throughout the season. Over time, your asphalt parking lot will inevitably incur a few damages here and there. This is usually caused by regular usage and normal […]

When Is It Time to Repair Your Asphalt Parking Lot?

Asphalt Parking Lot

Asphalt parking lots require a great deal of routine maintenance in order to prolong their lifespan and save you a lot of money in the long run. The longer you leave your asphalt parking lot in disrepair, the harder and more labour-intensive and cost-prohibitive it is to maintain. Eventually, you may even have to replace […]

Commercial Parking Lot Breakdown: Learn How These Elements Can Damage Your Asphalt Pavement

Commercial Asphalt Paving in Toronto

A well-designed and constructed parking lot can last anywhere between 20 and 30 years with proper care. Unfortunately, even the highest quality asphalt pavement isn’t entirely invincible, though, and it can be damaged by harsh wear and tear. Winter weather patterns and driving habits are particularly hard on asphalt parking lots with the cold climates, […]

How to Protect Your Asphalt Pavement from Potholes

pothole on the street

Potholes are the bane of every property owner’s existence. Not only are they unsightly and off-putting, but once they start forming, they can easily spread like weeds in a garden, especially if your asphalt parking lot gets a lot of heavy traffic. Caused by a combination of factors including inclement weather conditions, sudden temperature fluctuations, […]