TORONTO 416-410-3705

Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Announces Benefits and Proper Techniques of Asphalt Paving Overlay

August 1, 2014

Toronto, Canada (PRWEB), July 31, 2014 - Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc. (, the Greater Toronto Area’s leading pavement maintenance and…

Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc., the GTA’s Leading Pavement Maintenance Contractor, Announces Advantages of Power Sweeping During the Summer

July 18, 2014

Toronto, Canada (PRWEB), July 18, 2014 – Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc. (, the Greater Toronto Area’s leading pavement maintenance and…

Sure-Seal Pavement, the GTA’s Leading Pavement Maintenance Contractor, Warns Extreme Weather, Including Flooding, Can Severely Damage Asphalt

July 7, 2014

Toronto, Canada (PRWEB), July 7, 2014 – Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc. (, the Greater Toronto Area’s leading pavement maintenance and…

Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc. Details the Importance of Line Marking in Parking Lots

May 6, 2014

Toronto, Canada (PRWEB), May 6, 2014 – Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc. (, the Greater Toronto Area’s leading pavement maintenance and…

Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc., the GTA’s Leading Pavement Maintenance Contractor, Details Why Warm Weather is Ideal Time to Lay Asphalt

April 24, 2014

Toronto, Canada (PRWEB), April 24, 2014 – Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc. (, the Greater Toronto Area’s (GTA) leading pavement maintenance…

Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc. Comments on $215 Million Being Spent on Summer Roadwork in Toronto

April 10, 2014

Toronto, Canada (PRWEB), April 10, 2014 –Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc. (, the Greater Toronto Area’s (GTA) leading pavement maintenance and…

Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc. Introduces New Equipment & Crack Sealants

April 8, 2014

Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc., the leading provider of pavement maintenance services for industrial, retail, office, and corporate property owners, is…

Services Available from Sure-Seal

March 13, 2014

Whether you’re looking at asphalt paving because your parking lot is long overdue for it or because it was damaged…

Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc., the GTA’s Leading Pavement Maintenance Contractor, Announces Top Benefits of Preventative Pavement Maintenance

March 5, 2014

Toronto, Canada (PRWEB), March 5, 2014 - Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc. (, the Greater Toronto Area’s (GTA) leading pavement maintenance…

Epic 2014 Winter Damage Forcing Property Owners to Shift Budgets to Parking Lot Repairs

February 25, 2014

The combination of ice, extreme cold, and heavy snow this winter has taken a toll on commercial parking lots in…