TORONTO 416-410-3705

The Difference Between Asphalt Overlay and Replacement

October 30, 2017

One component of complete property maintenance is periodic asphalt repair in Toronto. This could mean simply applying a quick and…

Why Line Marking Is Important for Warehouse Facilities

October 2, 2017

Walk into any retail store stockroom, processing plant, or manufacturing facility and one of the main things you’ll notice is…

6 Warning Signs of Asphalt Paving and Sealcoating Scams

September 25, 2017

Every major industry has a few bad apples that give honest and legitimate business owners a bad reputation. Unfortunately, the…

Does Road Salt Cause Potholes?

September 11, 2017

Winter is fast approaching and before you know it, you’ll find yourself stocking up on large supplies of deicing salt…

What Are the Different Types of Pavement Preservation Treatments?

August 29, 2017

It used to be common practice among asphalt contractors and property owners to take a reactive approach when it came…

Pavement Maintenance Services for Religious Institutions

August 21, 2017

Most religious institutions rely largely on the financial generosity and support of their congregants as well as local community initiatives…

Things You Should Know about End-Season Sealcoating

August 7, 2017

Unpredictable weather patterns and unseasonably cold summers can make it challenging to figure out a feasible time of year to…

How to Maintain Your Residential Parking Lot

July 31, 2017

Sometimes, it can be difficult to find reliable parking lot sealing contractors in Toronto who offer high-quality residential and commercial…

Why Summer Is the Best Time to Sealcoat Your Asphalt Driveway

July 24, 2017

Whether you live in the GTA or anywhere else in Ontario, the best time to invest in asphalt sealcoating for…

Why Crack Sealing is Essential for Maintaining the Quality of Your Pavement

July 11, 2017

Crack sealing is an affordable, essential service that can help extend the pavement life on your property. Crack sealing involves…