Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc. Introduces New Equipment & Crack Sealants

Sure-Seal Pavement Maintenance Inc., the leading provider of pavement maintenance services for industrial, retail, office, and corporate property owners, is proud to announce the latest additions to our line-up of equipment and materials we use to repair driveways, roadways, and parking lots.

This winter was an especially harsh one and our clients are going to need cost-effective solutions for the damage to their parking lots and driveways. We recognize this, which is why we have added new crack sealing equipment and sealing materials to increase job efficiency and durability.

The Marathon DF10W is the fastest and most efficient machine for applying hot crack sealants. It features a propane-fired burner with a hose and regulator. Its 10-gallon melter/applicator, mounted on steel wheels for added stability, is capable of melting and applying a great amount of material and also features a spring-loaded, hand-controlled release valve that makes for easy control. The melter and applicator is also equipped with a hand agitator, temperature gauge, and steel shoe for striking off sealant in a uniform width, which means strong adhesion and increased durability. These are things our clients will doubtlessly need after the harsh winter conditions the GTA endured this winter.

We are also proud to introduce the Marathon Pavement Crack Router, the CR300K. This machine will expand our productivity and give our workers a more effective means of routing any random cracks in your asphalt or concrete. With its combination of balanced weight distribution, an extendable handle, and in-line wheels, worker fatigue will be greatly reduced, allowing our employees to get the job done in an even faster and more efficient manner and will allow for greater maneuverability when sealing cracks.

To deal with frost heaving and cracks afflicting property owners’ asphalt pavement this winter, we have also introduced two new sealants from Right Pointe. Their #3405 is a premium-quality joint- and crack-sealing compound for asphalt roads and highways that seals cracks in pavement to prevent water penetration. The compound actually prolongs the life of pavement thanks to its combination of asphaltic resins, synthetic polymeric rubber, plasticizers, stabilizers, and a combination of organic reinforcing fillers.

Also now used by Sure-Seal is Right Pointe’s #1109 hot-applied sealant. This economical sealant is ideal for use in a number of different conditions, including parking lots due to its superior bonding characteristics. The #1109 sealant is highly resilient, resists all weather conditions, and best of all, provides excellent results through freeze and thaw cycles. If next winter is a repeat of this one, your driveway and parking lot will be ready to face it!

For more detailed information on Sure-Seal’s products and services, call 416-PAVEMENT (416-410-3705).

Lance Bradshaw

Lance Bradshaw, President and Founder of Sure-Seal Pavement Inc. Over 30 years experience in the Pavement Maintenance Industry. Seminar trainer and educator for Property Managers and Industry personnel. Currently serving on the Contractor Advisory Board for Gem-Seal Pavement Products Inc., Charlotte, N.C. Ontario Provincial distributor of Gem-Seal Pavement products through Pavement Maintenance Supply Depot, Toronto, Ontario.